Tidak perlu pergi di kasino! Game Royal Farkle King ada di sini untuk menghibur Anda. *** Game Dice Farkle terbaik yang tersedia di Play Store! *** Jangan Perlu Pergi
Tidak perlu pergi di kasino! Royal Farkle King game is here to entertain you.
*** The best FARKLE dice game available on play store! ***
Tidak perlu pergi di kasino! Royal Farkle King game is here to entertain you.
The Royal Farkle King game is played with six dice. All six dice are rolled to start a turn. The player can then select one or more dice to keep for points. The earned points are added to a temporary score.
Player starts by rolling six dice to score points. As long as they roll scoring combinations, they can roll the remaining dice, or collect their points.
If the player rolls again and doesn't get any required dice combination, then the player gets 'FARKLE' . In other words, the turn ends, and the player does not receive any points for the turn. If this happens three times in a row, then the player loses 500 points from the overall score.
Jika skor pemain lebih besar dari 300 poin, pemain dapat mengambil poin dan mengakhiri belokan atau pemain dapat menggulung dadu yang tersisa yang tidak disimpan untuk poin.
Game dadu Farkle juga dikenal sebagai 10000, keserakahan, dadu panas, squelch, zilch, dice poker, zonk, farkel forkle, blewit, snap, kaput, dix mille (bahasa prancis), cosmic wimpout (five dice), pabies (Australia, 5 dice), double cameroon (10 dadu), dadu), pabies.
Farkle game Feature :
- Select your bet
- Addictive game play
- Amazing visuals
- Daily bonus : play every day and get bonus chips for a game
- Optimised for both tablets and phones
Download Best Farkle ever from playstore for FREE !! Play this Royal Farkle game and be a King of dice games.
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